Enhance Learning with Digital Drag-and-Drop

Engage Students and Enhance Learning with Digital Drag-and-Drop Math Activities

Looking for a way to engage your students and enhance their learning experience in math? Look no further! With digital drag-and-drop math activities, you can bring a whole new level of interactivity and fun to the classroom.

Benefits of Using Digital Drag-and-Drop Math Activities

Digital drag-and-drop math activities offer a wide range of benefits for both students and teachers. Instead of passively listening to lectures or working through worksheets, students can actively engage with the content by dragging and dropping objects to solve math problems. This approach not only keeps students engaged but also helps them develop a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.


Incorporating Digital Drag-and-Drops into Your Lessons

Digital drag-and-drop activities can be used many ways in your daily math lessons.  Use a digital drag-and-drop to start class as your warm-up or bell ringer. Maybe you would rather use a drag-and-drop for guided practice during classwork as as an independent practice or homework. You can even use them as an assessment.

1). Digital Drag-and-Drops as a Warm-Up

Use a digital drag-and-drop to start class as your warm-up or bell ringer. You can have students complete a short digital digital drag-and-drop to review important concepts from the day before or to review important math topics you have already covered during the year.

2). Digital Drag-and-Drops as Classwork

Digital drag-and-drop activities can be used during class as a guided practice to review a new concept that has been taught. Students can work by themselves, in pairs or in groups to complete it. This is a great way for students to practice a new math concept while having the support of the teacher as well as their peers.

Engage Students with Drag and Drops

3). Digital Drag-and-Drops as Homework

Digital drag-and-drops are perfect for homework. Many times in math students will not do their homework because they are having a hard time understanding it. With a digital drag-and-drop students will have a selection of answers to choose from. This makes the assignment somewhat self-checking.  By having the answers provided on the objects they are dragging, students will be able to determine if they are on the right track. If they solve a problem and their answer is not one of the choices, they know they have done something wrong when solving the problem.

4). Digital Drag-and-Drops to Assess Students

Digital drag-and-drops can also be used as an assessment for students. They allow you to  monitor student  progress and provide quick feedback to ensure they are on the right track. You can also use the drag-and-drop activities as formative assessments to gauge students’ understanding of the concepts.


In conclusion, digital drag-and-drop math activities offer numerous benefits for both students and teachers. These activities make math more engaging, cater to different learning styles, and provide immediate feedback and self-assessment opportunities. By incorporating digital drag-and-drop activities into your math lessons, you can create a dynamic and inclusive learning environment where every student can thrive.


You can buy digital drag-and-drop math activities in a wide range of topics. You can also create your own. Check out this blog on creating your own digital drag-and-drops by clicking the link below.

Creating Drag and Drop Activities



Try a Digital Drag-and-Drop for FREE!

Click below to try a FREE digital drag-and-drop activity on Naming Three Dimensional figures. You can also check out our store on Teachers Pay Teachers to find more Drag-and-Drop math activities in a variety of topics for grades 6th, 7th, 8th and Algebra 1.

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